Friday, August 7, 2009


Well, we all survived Kaiya's first year, and what a great year it was!! I am knocking on wood but Kaiya was only sick a couple times and when she was, it was just a cold - we were only at the doctors office for well baby visits. She is growing and changing on a DAILY basis - its very fun to watch her discover new things and watch things click in her head. Its also sad, my baby is growing up, I just sat and orgainzed her baby clothes and my maternity clothing tonight, ugh looking at the clothes that fit her when she was a newborn just brought tears to my eyes. The hat she wore home from the hospital, how small it is. Awh the memories.

But here we are, a year later and many, many, many milestones later! Kaiya has 8 teeth with a 9th coming in - one of her year old molars is peeking through the back gums. She is walking like a champ, she started at 11 months. She eats all table food now (I wouldn't expect anything less with almost 9 teeth!!), drinks juice from a sippy cup, and tries to use forks herself. We are going to be working on transitioning her off bottles for her milk too, slowly but surely. She will be getting cows milk tomorrow!! I am so excited for her to try it. I am very proud of myself that I made it a full year of giving her mothers milk for her first year of life but let me tell you - I am happy to be done!! FREEDOM!!

She is growing good - 29" and 19lbs. 12oz - so 50% height and 25% weight. She has learned how to go down the one stair we have in our house without a gate on it - she now will go down on her tummy. What's funny about this is we were at Chuck E. Cheese for her first birthday and when she would go down the slide, she would go down on her tummy too - she would get up to the top then turn around and get on her belly like she does for the stairs - it was very cute.
She is into everyting, she is a very curios child. Has to see what is going on everywhere - some call her nosy. She loves my tupperware drawer, we find covers and tupperware all over the in many different spaces.
We will be going on our first airplane ride in September to head out to California to visit Uncle Brett and we couldn't be more excited!! We will get to go to disney (probably) and do some other fun stuff in California - Kaiya will be doing all this WAY before I ever did as a kid!! So we will be there about a week and we can't wait! Though mommy is not looking forward to the airplane ride with a one year old - gulp....

All in all we have a happy, healthy one year old. This past year was a blast, watching her grow and learn and we can't wait for what the rest of the years have in store for us!


The Jeromes said...

Wow, how quickly that went. Wonderful post about your year. To great parents and a beautiful baby........congratulations on a good job and Happy Birthday Kaiya!!!!!! We love you!

Becky said...

I'm still on the fact that your breastfed for a whole year. WOW!!! Good for you. But it will be nice to just pour the milk from the gallon. :) Don't worry about the plane ride...most of the time they are so bored they fall asleep. Make sure to bring little things you can stick in the pocket in front of you so you can mix them up as she gets annoyed. Start collecting McDonald beanie baby happy meal toys. They are great tantrum preventers. Worst case scenario, you walk up and down the aisle as much as you can until the seatbelt sign comes on. Don't worry, you guys will do fine!! Trust me, it isn't as bad as it seems...the airport is worse than the plane. Make sure to run off as much energy on the ground first.