Friday, November 6, 2009

15 month checkup

We had our 15 month checkup today - still going strong! 21lb 14oz (50%), 30 1/2in (50%) - so we are a very average child!

She isn't talking much, just a couple words like BOB (Tiffany's cat), Mom, OP (stop at the dogs). I am a bit concerned however the doctor said not to worry. To continue reading, and showing her pictures and telling her animal sounds and singing alphabets in the car, etc.

I do have to say although she isn't talking, she understands A TON - you can ask her to do just about anything and she does - she just doesn't talk, but she DOES sign! She knows bird, bath, more, juice, milk, hi/bye. She seems to pick up on signs rather quickly - for instance, I have been trying to do juice with her for awhile and literally, just today I showed her milk and a juice box and asked her which she wanted - she pointed to the juice and I said can you say Juice - and she signed juice!! I was shocked and proud :) So we don't have verbal but we have sign! (now when I say we don't have verbal I just mean what we can understand, she talks a lot in her own language!)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I can't say that Peyton doesn't say much because he talks all the time...but so does his mother!! He has 3 months on Kaiya, so I'm sure she will catch up quickly. They learn SOOO fast!

I think that is wonderful that she means that she is totally understanding everything. The doctors are more worried that she wouldn't understand than what she says. They'll start to worry by 18 months...she has a long way to go. Like they said, keep talking...Peyton just started really picking up words within the last month. Just don't worry...she will be fine and will pick up the words quickly. Just keep trying to understand what she is saying...and applaud her for her efforts...she'll get it faster and faster!

And then you'll want her to be quiet. :)