Saturday, May 16, 2009

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Kaiya's new trick is clapping, she just started doing this the other day! She also will take and clasp her hands together. The changes are happening so quickly!! I think she will be walking soon, which is scary as she is fast enough crawling!! She is starting to let go of things while standing, and she stays up for about 5 seconds before falling - OR - lowering herself to the ground with control. Lots of changes coming!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

WOW! She is getting so big! Peyton is also beginning to do the walking thing. Although I would be sad if it was 3 months ago. He gets into plenty on all 4. We're both in trouble in the next few weeks. YIKES!

You'll have to teach her patty-cake so she can use her clapping for good use. :)

Enjoy all the new changes...she'll have plenty more as the months go by.