Saturday, July 18, 2009


I can't tell you how long we have been working on sign language with Kaiya - since before we should have even been cause she had no clue what we were doing!! And I am SO happy that she seems to have finally grasped one of the signs - MORE There are different variations of more - supposed to be your fingers hitting together or fists together, Kaiya has made it one fist hitting the palm of the other hand.

She also is trying to feed herself...when I put the spoon by her SHE has to grab it and feed herself, she doesn't like us doing it! Little miss independent

1 comment:

Becky said...

We use signs with Peyton all the time. They are great. She is at the age when Peyton started to get it too. They will come quickly now. She gets eat...because she used it. Peyton claps when he wants more, but I guess it is in the context of when he uses it. He just started "saying" please. It was great...he's such a big boy now. Daycare uses the signs with them, so he picks them up there too.

It really keeps them less frustrated because they have a way to communicate. We really just use the basic, milk, more, please. We are working on thank you, but that is slow going.

She is so independent. How did that happen??? When did our little babies who couldn't even move grow up? Can't wait to see first birthday pictures...only a few more weeks. Good luck!