Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Doctors Office

We went to the doctor yesterday for her second Hepatitis B shot - we wanted to do it earlier than her 2 month checkup so she will only get 4 shots vs 5 at that appointment. I don't even like the idea of her getting 4 shots at once :( So anyway, she was 6 weeks old yesterday, she is weighing in at a whopping 10lbs 13oz, 22 1/4 inches long. She is in the 80th percentile for babies her age with those measurements (for those like me who don't know what that means it means she has 80 babies below her for her height and weight - so she is heavier and longer than 80 babies her age...) which isn't bad cause she is proportioned 80 for both vs. 80 for one and 50 for the other. So we are moving right along as we should be.

At the doctor I cried a little when she got her shot - she cried so hard it was hard not to get a little upset too!! Man, I don't know how this is going to go at her 2 month with 4 shots!!! But what was funny is I was talking to my mom and I said, 'you know, after the dogs get shots I give them a treat for being good - wonder if I should give Kaiya my boob after her shot as a reward' :) Well - after she got the shot the nurse said, now if you want to feed her to help settle her down, go for it! So, she did get my boob as a reward - lol

Here are some new pics of her - we have the bumbo which is great, it says she is too young for it but she has really good head control so we put her in it the other day- she liked it!! And then some pics in her grown up jean look :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that everything is going well with your little girl. Peyton is big for his age too. I figure that is just healthy and if the doctor doesn't say anything...all is well. Once they start moving around, they will loose some of the weight and stretch out. The doctor just wants to make sure that there isn't any drastic changes in weight gain or loss and growth.

You are a better mom than I am...I laughed when Peyton got his shots. It is just so funny to see their reaction. I absolutely don't like when he cries, but it is such a surprised response that you just have to laugh. When she gets 4, they will do it quickly so she will cry and then be done. Giving the boob is always a good option. We had the pacifier and that works well too. Don't worry...she won't remember and she has many more to get before she's done. (Now I know why you don't like going to the doctor when you were little...damn it hurts!)

I use the bumbo seat all the time too. Peyton likes it now that he wants to sit up. He HATED it when he was little. Now, however, his big fat legs get stuck in the leg holes and we can't get him out. Soon he'll have to walk around with a bumbo attached to his butt!

Love the pictures...she is such a cuties and getting to be such a big girl.

She'll be huge by christmas when we are up there. Keep up the stories...I love to read them.

BT said...

Oh my god! She's huge already! She looks like a young lady already! I can't believe I'm missing all this.
That jeans picture is scary - she really looks like a little toddler!
but she's so incredibly adorable.