Monday, October 20, 2008

Random Thoughts....

Things have been going really well with the family. Kaiya is sleeping through the night!!!! (knock on wood, someone, really quickly) Last night we went from 8:30pm - 7:30am when Josh went in to make sure she was still alive!! We have ranged anywhere from waking up around 4:30 - 7:30 in the AM after going to bed anywhere between 7:00 and 9:00pm. Our naps have been hit and miss lately though - some days she takes really good ones and other days 45 min at a time. And its hard to get her down for her naps but at night, I lay her down awake and she fall asleep on her own!! Its awesome - not yet there on naps but hopefully.

So, I go back to wok next week Wednesday, not looking forward to it at all. Why do we need money - why can't we just win the lottery so I can stay home with my little girl - why!? I don't know how I'm gonna be, I am going to miss her terribly :( The only thing keeping me going is knowing I am only working 4 days a week so I will be with her for a 3 day weekend!! Yesterday we were looking at the faces board I made and playing with a rattle, that is her new big thing - she does grasp it and shake it, doesn't hold it for very long but she is getting the hang of grasping things. (The video is a quick time video - hopefully you can see it - trying to work on converting to a windows media player file...)

Then, Josh came home and threw on the baby bjorn to hang out with her - some pics of him and Kaiya.

To end the night, I will sometimes give her a massage (lucky baby, I wish someone would give me a massage at night). So last night was a massage night :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Going back to work sucks...but adult conversation is always nice. I just have to not think about what I am missing. I figure whatever he does at school, I'll see for the first time over the weekend or at night. So it is the first time he does it. :)

Peyton really likes going to daycare. I think on the weekends he actually gets bored with the two of us. That is why we have to go out and see the world. Keep him stimulated.

How wonderful it is to have them sleep through the night. I had the same fear when Peyton first slept through the night. I had to remind myself that this is what is supposed to happen. All is well!

The nap time thing will come. Peyton does better now with naps. He usually takes two naps. Anywhere form 45 minutes to 2 hours. It all just depends on their mood. As long as you get a good night sleep so you can go to work, all is well. Just read her cues when she's tired during the day and put her down. She'll get the hang of it.

Can you believe she is almost 3 months. Peyton will be 6 months on the same day. YIKES! Time flies!

Sounds like all is well. Keep up the great work!!