Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dr. Visit Today

So I went to the doctor today for my weekly checkup - and I went from being zero centimeters to two in one week. What does that mean!? Really nothing :) They did an ultrasond today cause they had to check on something, all was good but they did confirm it still is a girl and the guesstimate is she will be between 7 and 8 lbs.

So, we sit and wait some more, but at least there is some progress.


Jenae said...

Congratulations! Matt told me awhile back that you were expecting! How exciting! Last I heard was that Josh was trying to get the nursery finished and had been working on the kitchen! So who won that bet? Anyway just wanted to say hey and that I am so excited for the two of you! Hope you have everything ready and can just be relaxing until she gets here! Take care!
Jenae Heinemann

Josh and Melissa said...

Um, I think I won the bet - the kitchen is still not done (though I'm not home right now and he could have finished...) but his week was up the other day :)