Rocco checking her out more closely, but yet staying down on his tummy for his own tummy time!

We had our 2 month checkup yesterday - everything is looking good, she is growing good, in the 75th percentile for height and weight, we now weigh 11lbs. 14oz and are 22 7/8 inches long. She has good head control but has to work on her chest strength, so we need to do more tummy time, hence the tummy time today!! With the dogs helping, she'll be strong in no time ;)
1 comment:
It looks like Tummy Time turned into nap time. :) Don't be too concerned with tummy time. Just do it occasionally and she will be fine. Peyton HATES tummy time and he holds his head just fine. I know that it is important, but she will be just fine. And if she is at all nosey like my son, she will want her head up and looking around anyway.
How did shots go? Was she very upset? Were you? Peyton's legs got red and inflammed. It sucked. He was fine and the nurse said it was very common. We have another round next month. It looks like she is doing really well.
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