Saturday, November 1, 2008

Back to work

I have to admit going back to work wasn't as hard as I thought it would be - Kaiya had fun at Tiffany's - I heard they read books and she likes bunnies! (picture in the book) But I was ok at work - I emailed Tiffany once and called once - I think that is pretty good - lol!! She goes back for a full week next week and I'm hoping it goes just as smooth as the one day this past week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See work isn't that hard to go back too, but I bet the last few hours are tough. They are always the ones i want to go fastest and they usually drag. I'm glad to hear that she is doing well. Of course there are going to be bad days, but that is why you pay someone else to deal with them!! :) If Peyton has a cold or is crying or is clingy, I say good by, good luck and go to work. See you tonight dear, I'm going now! hehe

It will become routine and all will be just fine. Enjoy the adult time and the Melissa (not mommy) time.