Monday, November 24, 2008

The next Brett Ryback?

My family has always been into music, I played the flute and very little piano - my mom a talented singer and my brother just gifted in every aspect of music that there is ;) So I wanted there to be music in Kaiya's life right from the beginning. I have some very simplistic kids sheet music that I have played to her ever since she was born (and we sing the songs too but I wasn't gonna sing on camera!). Well now she has started playing along with me!! She really seems to enjoy it, it may sound silly but whenever I start singing to her she will usually give me a big smile!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking she is very much like her uncle...and her mom. If I had a piano, Peyton would just look at it or just pound on it. He doesn't have any genes that will give him musical ability like that. She looks so cute playing the piano...someday she'll be playing by herself.